Why is it that when death falls close to home you find yourself reevaluating your life, or should I say the meaning of your life. For me I keep thinking about how short life is. We are not guaranteed anything. You have to decide on what you want and do it. For some that may be going back to school, becoming closer to loved ones, or becoming the person you know you can be.
This past Sunday I attended North Rock Hill and the message just seemed to hit home. Without going into an hour long sermon, the point is “It’s never to late.” Well it is too late when your gone so use your time on earth wisely. Decide what you want and do it. Don’t get discoursed if you make a mistake that only makes you stronger. Think about it this way if chefs quick cooking after one bad meal then there would be no combination foods. I know that’s a lame analogy but you can develop your own.
So many people have different reasons in life on why their eyes have opened, for me it was the death of a loved one. Keep your eyes open don’t close them for anything. Make the decision today and follow your heart and dreams. Now when you make a change there will be people who will put you down and tell you, you can’t do it. Instead of believing them prove them wrong; I’ve always found that to be the fun part of change. Like I stated earlier It’s never too late.
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