Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wee Ride for Wee people

Let me start by saying that I am chunky, fluffy, over-weight.  Not Gilbert Grapes mother over-weight, but more so Kristie Alley fat actress over-weight.  In an attempt to become healthy and have fun with my son I decided to get a bike and a child bike seat and start riding.

After making a couple of networking call trying to find an inexpensive bike my father informs me that he has one and that I can have it.  Great, at first chance I pick it up, stuff it in my truck and head home.  Ok, so I now have a bike I now need to get a child seat.  Sitting in the living room playing with my son I hear my mother in the kitchen, so at that point I put my trickery into play.  In a loud voice I say “Oh Nicky don’t cry mommy will get a seat for you to ride with her when she can.”  Weather that worked or not my mother agreed to get us a Kangaroo Wee Ride child seat.  Now back in the day the children seats go behind you, but now they fit between the handle bars and the riders seat.  Wow really?  Let’s just shove our negative thoughts aside and mount this seat on.  After about 10 minutes of fooling with tools that don’t fit the seat is in place and I am ready to go.

I take my new bike and seat outside and place my child into the seat and he seems to be very happy.  Here is where the trouble begins; I have to get on this bike.  I’m hunching myself on the seat it literally looks like I’m dry humping the seat.  I then notice that my stomach is smashed against my sons back pushing him forward onto the protective triangle at the front of the Wee ride.  His helmet clad head is placed right between my breasts and my knees are spread eagle because there is no space for anything.  Well whatever, were riding no matter what.  After about 2 blocks my legs are burning and I’m holding on with a death grip just to stay on the bike.  Not my idea of fun this is not what I anticipated.  Needless to say, it was returned to Wal-Mart.  Good riddens uncomfortable bad idea child seat.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I want to be ME again

The bible tells you to forgive those who have wronged you, however it doesn’t tell you to forget.  As many know it’s hard to forgive but as far as forgetting some never will.  I am trying to better my life, but it is hard when you have so much bitterness bottled up inside.  I have spoken with friends and I have prayed for a release of this emotion and as many have told me this is not something that will go away over night. 
I think that I have been so unhappy for so long that I am finding it hard to be the opposite, but not from lack of trying.  So many people that I know have the time and freedom to do as they please, I unfortunally do not.  I do not resent my son in any way, but sometimes I find myself thinking about what life would be like if he wasn’t here.  Would I still have my job?  My marriage? I guess that’s a loaded question because I will never know the answer.  I guess in a way my anger is geared towards my ex.  I’m sure that’s a normal reaction for many.  So many questions that I have will never be answered and I’m not sure that there is a right answer.
I don’t like feeling this way; my mind is consumed with hatred and bitterness that I pray will go away soon.  This is not me, this is not who I want to be.  I just want to be happy again.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Not for the weak at body and mind

I have never been on the smaller side, well if you count me at age 5 in that equation then I guess I have.  Would I like to lose weight, sure but mostly I would like to get into shape.  The other Sunday I dropped my son off at the church daycare and as I walked up about 30 steps I realized that I was winded.  I was praying that no one would talk to me so I wouldn’t have to answer as if I just ran a marathon.    At that point I realized something had to change.  If I stayed the way I was I would never be able to do the things I would like with my son.  I want to be able to play a game of basketball or football with him when he’s old enough. 
So with that being said I started a boot camp, tonight was my first night and literally my body still feels weighed down.  I tried my all to keep up and finish and I did, but not without feeling nauseated and crying.   It was like that show the biggest loser when the people start to cry, I used to say “why are they crying,” but I now know.  Not only is boot camp physically taxing but also emotionally taxing.  Emotionally knowing that I let myself get so out of shape; without doing anything about it.  It was sad, I was upset with myself.  By the end my legs were spaghetti noodles and my arms were useless to me.  My girlfriend asked if I wanted a ride to my car and I said “no.”  I had to walk the hurt off.
Needless to say, I’m ready to see how much I can push myself.  I am finishing this even if it kills me and I very well may.

Monday, January 17, 2011

It's never too late

Why is it that when death falls close to home you find yourself reevaluating your life, or should I say the meaning of your life. For me I keep thinking about how short life is. We are not guaranteed anything. You have to decide on what you want and do it. For some that may be going back to school, becoming closer to loved ones, or becoming the person you know you can be.

This past Sunday I attended North Rock Hill and the message just seemed to hit home. Without going into an hour long sermon, the point is “It’s never to late.” Well it is too late when your gone so use your time on earth wisely. Decide what you want and do it. Don’t get discoursed if you make a mistake that only makes you stronger. Think about it this way if chefs quick cooking after one bad meal then there would be no combination foods. I know that’s a lame analogy but you can develop your own.

So many people have different reasons in life on why their eyes have opened, for me it was the death of a loved one. Keep your eyes open don’t close them for anything. Make the decision today and follow your heart and dreams. Now when you make a change there will be people who will put you down and tell you, you can’t do it. Instead of believing them prove them wrong; I’ve always found that to be the fun part of change. Like I stated earlier It’s never too late.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Everything happens for a reason

My grandmother is sick and were not sure whats going to happen.  This thought brings back so mny memorys of our life together.
Being the oldest grandchild has advantages, you simply have more time and memories with your grandmother.  I remember always living close by, we were always a close family literally living in the same neighborhood over half of my life.  When I was about 4 we lived across the street from each other and I remember my mother cutting on the front porch light as well as my grandmother and both standing outside I would run across the street to spend the night with Grandma.  We would watch Nick at Night together, and me being so young I had no idea how truly old Donna Reed and Patty Duke were.  They were always new episodes to me and I guess it took me a while to figure that out.  I would always wonder why people would look at me funny when I told them those were my favorite shows. 
Different location but still in the same neighborhood I remember being about 6 or 7 and asking “Grandma pop your teeth out.”  Of course she would and it would send us screaming, you see for those who don’t know she had dentures at a rather young age.  Another neighborhood and still were neighbors I was about 10 and it was snowing outside.  I woke up in the living room alone and scared.  Instead of walking to my mother’s room I proceeded to walk to my grandmother’s house.  No shoes and no coat banging on the door at 2am needless to say she was “franzled” and then called my mom.
During the next couple of years we moved out of state not really seeing family as much as were used to, but always visiting and you guessed it grandma even moved down in the same neighborhood for about a year.  When we moved back to South Carolina I started driving and grandma took part of her tax return and helped buy my first car.  Verbatim grandma said “that’s one good looking car you got.”   Mr. Forbes helped us network for a good price on a car.  I couldn’t count how many times we went to eat with Mr. Forbes, but I do remember grandma always offering to drive because he always went to fast for her likings. 
One time I called my grandmother because I was written up at work for a mistake.  I did not call the fire department when someone’s house was actually on fire.  I was so worried I would lose my job.  I remember Grandma told me that she made a mistake at Travelers once as well.  You see she spilled a coke on a type writer.  She said don’t worry I didn’t lose my job then.  I couldn’t help but point out the difference between someone’s home and a work type writer.
I regret that in my teen years we didn’t see too much of each other, mainly my doing.  I was young and wanted to “hang with my friends.”  That old saying “If I knew then what I know now” always seem to jump in my head.  I am however grateful for these past couple of months that we’ve shared.  When I first lost my job and being pregnant I was devastated.  I thought “what did I do to deserve this.”  Then when my unemployment ran out I said again “what did I do to deserve this.”  You see I didn’t do anything, that’s just it god has a purpose for everything that happens and I truly believe that now.  Those events happened so I could take care of and spend more time with my grandmother.